Editor & Filmmaker
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Mossback's Northwest - Season 6

Mossback Northwest’s sixth season has begun and I will be adding the episodes here as they are released. This episode is about the fascinating and heartbreaking role Japantown's Panama Hotel played during the internment of Japanese-American citizens during WW2.

This week's Mossback's Northwest (edited by yours truly) is about Roald Amundsen's many arctic adventures and the special role Seattle played in the exploration of the North Pole.

Paul Robeson, a world-renowned singer, actor, athlete and activist who stood up to the Red Scare and used music to spread his message of peace and equality.

What the heck was the Pig War? Well, an “almost war” to be more specific.

This episode is about Chief Joseph visiting Seattle and advocating for Tribal rights as well as his unlikely attendance at a UW football game.

Learn more about Emily Carr, a unique nature painter from Victorian Victoria, British Columbia!

The final episode for the season features a peek into Seattle’s jazz scene during the prohibition era where jazz halls provided spirits and a place for cultures and classes of all kinds to meet and artists like Frank Waldron were there to write down the notes and teach up and coming artists like Quincy Jones who would change the music landscape of the world.

David Quantic