Editor & Filmmaker
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Mossback's Northwest - Season 7

The final image we used for the PICKLED ORCA episode. Artwork by Levi Hastings.

We are now producing TWO seasons of Mossback’s Northwest each year which means that I have twice as many opportunities to try and top myself when it comes to the visual design and editing style of each episode. Below are links to my favorite episodes of the season.

Before starting this season, I was provided a week to take online classes and dive in to exploring 3D animation in After Effects and the results have slowly been appearing in different episodes; subtle at first and then, once I started to get the hang of it, more and more ambitious. I think the real evidence of 3D is when I use it to bring to life the different illustrations we commission for episodes where we are lacking in historical artifacts to tell the story. This season we commissioned artwork for THE NEW DEAL, PICKLED ORCA and NATURE MAN.

I’ve also been experimenting with a Terry Gilliam-like animation for the STUMPS and NATURE MAN episodes where I imitate the absurd, DIY animation aesthetic made popular by the legendary director and former member of Monty Python. Producer Michael McClinton and I have a shared affection for these animations and it’s been really fun calling out the style - especially with content made for PBS which is where I first saw Monty Python sketches as a kid growing up in Kansas.

Gilliam’s film work is a major inspiration for me as a filmmaker with TIME BANDITS, THE MEANING OF LIFE, THE FISHER KING and BRAZIL being major cinematic touchstones in my life. TIME BANDITS was especially affecting when I saw it in the theater since I was a similar age to the young protagonist. The movie, while dark, is similar to Grimm’s Fairy Tales that use dark imagery and parables to teach tough life lessons.

And speaking of filmmakers, check out the LIGHTS, CAMERA, SEATTLE episode where I get to flex my picture editing muscle by cutting together a “best of the Pacific Northwest” clip reel dedicated to movies shot in this neck of the woods.

David Quantic