I edited three episodes for Mossback’s Northwest’s tenth season. The first described how the introduction of the automobile changed how residents of the Pacific Northwest traveled and how cars and roads changed the landscape.
Next up was a Halloween-themed episode about three different true-crime mysteries of the PNW. This was probably our most ambitious attempt yet at animating original illustrations that were created by our long-time collaborator Alegra Figeroid.
Alegra and I built the illustrations so that they provided the necessary layers and details so I could exploit the 3D capabilities of After Effects. Constructing this episode was a lot like putting together a moving jigsaw puzzle! I’m very proud of the results.
The final episode I edited was about George Francis Train, a Trump-like train baron who fancied himself as a kind of populist savior. He was also obsessed with breaking records when it came to traveling around the world.
I had fun collaborating with illustrator Levi Hastings on this episode. Train was obsessed with his public image and was a popular subject of newspaper articles so Levi and I decided the illustrations should resemble examples of editorial cartoons from the height of the yellow journalism era.
The different transitions at the beginning of most of the illustrated sections are supposed to look like editorial cartoons coming to life so I took a more subtle approach to the animations, calling attention to their flatness and one dimensionality.